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     The soil should be fertile, deep, well drained, and with good aeration. Sandy, loamy or clay loam soil which is high in organic matter is the most ideal.
     Heavy clay soil and marginal soil can be improved by digging bigger planting hole and mixing the top soil with rice hull, sawdust or sand and carabao manure or compost to improve fertility and to promote aeration.

Land Preparation
     Plow and harrow the soil until it is pulverized. Do not work the soil when wet because the soil structure will be destroyed making the clay soil more compact. To completely eliminate weeds especially cogon, plowing should be done during the dry season or at least 2-3 months before the rainy season.

     Place stakes in the areas where the trees shall be planted. Distancing shall be based on the growth performance of the cultivar. Before removing the stakes when digging, the hole must have another guide mark or planting board to make sure that the trees shall form straight rows when planted. Put a 6-inch stake on both sides of the hole as planting board. Locate it 1 1/2 to 2 feet from the middle of the hole. This will be the guide where the tree shall be planted which shall be at the middle of the two small stakes.
If your soil is heavy clay, dig 2 feet x 2 feet x 2 feet. The poorer the soil, the bigger the hole should be. Loam black soil, on the other hand, can be smaller up to 1 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot
For heavy clay and poor soil, mix it with two sacks of rice hull, sawdust or sand and one sack of carabao, horse or cow manure. Mix thoroughly.
Note: Do not use fresh chicken manure because it will produce methane gas during decomposition damaging the roots of the cultivars.

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(c) 2014 Dizon Fruit Trees, Philippines

Contact Us (+63) 9167110324; (+63) 9085628628

email us at dizonfruits@yahoo.com