How to Make
Barren Land and Marginal Soil Productive
Sandy loam,
clay loam, loam and volcanic soil are fertile soil ideal
for fruit trees and other crops. But mostly upland areas
are barren or marginal soil because of soil erosion
which is not suited to high value fruit trees and crops.
Barren lands are areas with no more top soil as a
result of erosion and wrong soil management.
The top soil or Horizon A is the upper thin part of soil
profile that is the most fertile with 2 to 5% organic
matter and porous that can be easily lost thru erosion
thus the soil become barren. According to soil
scientist, to make one (1) inch of top soil it will take
one thousand (1000) years of weathering process of
parent material but only few minutes or days or months
to lose thru soil erosion.
After the top soil is eroded, what is left is the
subsoil with no organic matter and compact. Soil organic
matter represents only a small portion of the soil solid
phase ranging from 2 to 5%. However, it is an extremely
complex material which probably contains most of the
organic compounds found in nature. Organic matter
determines the fertility and water holding capacity of
the soil for better crop production.
Add compost or organic fertilizer to increase organic
matter of subsoil or poor land to 5% organic matter.
Allow time for fresh manure to decompose to avoid
methane gas to come in contact with roots during
decomposition. Methane gas emitted will burn the roots
making the plants stunted or die.
Mix rice hull or sand to make the planting medium
porous. Provide drainage.
Plant superior varieties from reliable nursery.