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Comparative Growth, Fruiting Time and Fruit Bearing Habits of Fruit Trees
 Cultivars Height of Tree to Bear Fruits Initial Fruiting Commercial Fruiting
Carabao Mango      


15 feet 10 - 12 years 15 years. and above
     Grafted 5 - 10 feet 3 - 4 years 10 years and above
Imported Mango      
     Seedling 10 feet 6 years 10 years and above
     Grafted 8 feet 2 - 3 years 6 - 8 years and above
     Seedling 20 feet 15 - 25 years 30 years and above
     Grafted 5 - 10 feet 7 - 12 years 15 years and above
     Seedling 20 - 30 feet 10 - 12 years 15 years and above
     Grafted 8 - 10 feet 6 years 9 years and above
     Seedling 10 feet 10 years 15 years and above
     Grafted 1 - 3 feet 1 - 2 years 15 years and above
     Seedling (Female) 10 feet 8 - 10 years 10 years and above
     Grafted 3 - 5 feet 4 years 8 years and above
Pummelo and Oranges    
     Seedling 8 - 10 feet 8 years 10 years and above
     Grafted or budded 3 - 6 feet 3 - 4 years 8 years and above

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(c) 2014 Dizon Fruit Trees, Philippines

Contact Us (+63) 9167110324; (+63) 9085628628

email us at dizonfruits@yahoo.com