Superior Local
Sweet Elena Carabao Mango
as the best carabao mango strain for commercialization.
It has an average fruit weight of 365-700 grams and
sugar content of almost 19 percent Brix.
Chokanan (Chooke Anan) -
this is one of the most popular varieties grown in
Thailand and Malaysia for local and export market.
It is one of the sweetest mangoes in the world and
its average weight is 0.5 kilo per fruit. A ripe
fruit of this variety is referred to as Mangga Madu
or Honey mango because of its almost similar taste
of honey. Green-mango fanciers also favor this
variety because it does not taste too sour like our
Carabao mango. Because of its thick skin, it does
not spoil easily and it is resistant to pests and
flowers of Chokanan could tolerate adverse weather
condition. It could also withstand the attack of
pests and diseases that spraying of insecticide and
fungicide need not be as intensive as in Carabao
mango. Chokanan could be substituted for Carabao
mango during rainy or off-sesaon
Golden Queen. Taiwan's
best mango, with its fruit weighing 1.2 to 1.4 kilo
per fruit. This cultivar bears fruit voluntarily. It
bears fruit continuously during dry season with
three sets of fruits - flower, egg size and 1-kilo
Nam Doc Mai. This is the
favorite fruit of the King of Thailand. Its fruit
also weighs around 1/2 to one kilo each. It bears
fruits also even during rainy season with less input
and overcrowded condition